Nicole Szemborski - Racist, Endangers Children, Violent Domestic Abuser, Terrorizes Families

Nicole Szemborski is an Assistant Hennepin County Attorney. Previously, Nicole Szemborski worked as a law clerk to former Deputy Hennepin County Attorney and current Ramsey County Judge Patrick C. Diamond. As an Assistant Hennepin County Attorney, Nicole Szemborski works to fund the worlds most powerful violator of human rights. Specifically, the Hennepin County Attorneys Office manufacturers thousands of violent acts culminating in the death of George Floyd. In her brief radical left wing career, Nicole Szemborski drafts orders to repeatedly threaten domestic violence. Indeed, Nicole Szemborski engages in horrific violence agaisnt local families. Nicole Szemborski relishes her role as a domestic abuser as she vows to threaten violence against litigants for publishing websites exposing her misconduct.

Racist "George Floyd" Assistant Hennepin County Attorney

Attorney Szemborski does everything to help and fund George Floyd police brutality. Specifically, Attorney Szemborski is believed to have received her current position based on a recommendation by Mr. Diamond. Attorney Szemborski seeks to continue Mr. Diamond's racist career to domestically abuse Hennepin County families with brutal violence.

Allows Minneapolis Assistant City Attorneys to Taunt Litigants

Disgusting scenes show that Attorney Szemborski allowed an Assistant Minneapolis City Attorney to utterly destroy a litigants professional livelihood including at least fifty (50) tweets liked, retweeted, and commented thousands of times. While the litigants mother was dying and he was defenseless, Attorney Szemborski pathetically allowed the woman to taunt him on Twitter with new campaigns. Attorney Szemborski allows the woman to attack the litigant but bans his First Amendment response. Indeed, Attorney Szemborski is a monster.

Endangers Children

In 2019, Attorney Szemborski worked with Mr. Diamond to endanger children. Specifically, Attorney Szemborski and Mr. Diamond failed to jail an unnamed Saint Paul Chiropractor repeatedly convicted of bad acts against chidlren. Even worse, the unnamed Chropractor repeatedly admitted to the disturbing acts.

In an effort to endanger the local community, Attorney Szemborski and Mr. Diamond offered a deal that would keep the predator out of prison in an effort to give him more footing to commit similar bad acts. During proceedings, Mr. Diamond interfered with the prosecutors case to goad a plea deal offering to keep the man free and to endanger the local community. More importantly, any similarly situated litigant, would have received upwards of fifteen or twenty years in prison. Instead, Mr. Diamond and Attorney Szemborski conspired to provide the man more runway to commit his acts.

In line with these acts, Mr. Diamond's high pitch feminine voice sounds like a "peodiphile". Even worse, Mr. Diamond and Attorney Szemborski provides favorable treatment to self-admitted and repeatedly convicted peodiphiles. Attorney Szemborski's actions in concert with Mr. Diamond is disturbing, sickening, and vile. It is with a heavy heart that this section even has to be part of this website. It is neccessary, however, to illustrate the incredibly sick acts of Attorney Szemborski and Mr. Diamond.

Endorses Minneapolis PD Revenge Pornography

Apart and aside from her current activities, Attorney Szemborski endorsed an unofficial Minneapolis Police department Twitter account. Specifically, Attorney Szemborski drafted an order precluding information contained in this section exposing the Minneapolis City Attorney's Office unofficial Twitter account which posts hundreds of revenge photos depicting men in nude or semi-nude positions, particularly black men, in a rogue effort to direct state sponsered violence. Even more egregious, the account regularly has thouosands of likes, comments, and retweets. The identification of the account is completely banned by Attorney Szemborski's order which threatens domestic violence. Sickeningly, the same account also posted similar photos and directed similar actions against underage boys. And, the national media lampooned Attorney Szemborski's sick actions to violate the First Amendment to preclude exposure of her misconduct.

Forced a Man to Listen to His Mother Die Over the Phone

In further review of her violent acts, Attorney Szemborski cowardly conspired with Mr. Diamond and his crony state actors to torture, kidnap, and violently assault. Indeed, Attorney Szemborski took a man from his dying mother. Specifically, Attorney Szemborski forced a man to listen to his mother die over the phone during her last moments. During this, Attorney Szemborski threatened additional violence. Think about what kind of human being it takes for someone to show up while someone's mother is dying and threaten even more violence. Attorney Szemborski's abandonment of basic human dignity endangers the lives of local citizens. Indeed, Attorney Szemborski is a horrible person, conspires to commit criminal acts under the guise of absolute or qualified immunity, and will lie at every stage. We can only hope and pray that Attorney Szemborski and Mr. Diamond experience being forced to listen thier own parents die over the phone so they can understand how it feels. Indeed, Attorney Szemborski has conpsired to commit numerous evil acts in concert with Mr. Diamond.

Covering Up Raids Used to Kneel On Necks

In line with her violent acts, Attorney Szemborski used her role as a law clerk for Mr. Diamond to draft orders precluding exposure of an April 28, 2017 raid used to serve bogus facially unconstitional gag orders preventing litigants from exercising First Amendment activity. During the raid, based on a Minnesota Court of Appeals "kneeling" opinion drafted by failed Minnesota Court of Appeals Judge Kevin G. Ross, officers flowing through the Minneapolis City Attorneys Office and Minneapolis Police Department, renacted the kneeling opinion by violently kneeling on the victims neck.

Failure to Protect

Despite maintaining credible knowledge of events, Attorney Szemborski has failed to report several verifiable allegations of Ramsey County Judges engaging in bad acts, and, most importantly, rigging trials. Specifically, Ramsey County Judge Sophia Y. Vuelo was caught in chambers engaging in sex acts with a Ramsey County Sheriffs Deputy. Even worse, Ms. Vuelo was caught engaging in extrajudicial communication with pre-trial witnesses before trial. This includes Attorney Szemborski's failure to report Mr. Diamond for the Judicial Standards Commission for acts described above.

Between 2018-19, Attorney Szemborski maintained knowledge that then Minneapolis City Attorney Susan Segal testified as a fact witness and acted as a rogue prosecutor. In 2020, Ms. Segal signed orders in the same case as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals. It is believed that Attorney Szemborski has failed to file a Judicial Standards Board complaint.

Erasing the First Amendment

As described above, Attorney Szemborski denigrates individual rights to free speech to further suppress and conceal misconduct. In fact, Attorney Szemborski used her law license to harass and bully litigants.

Using The Harriet Tubman Center to Violently Attack Families

Despite maintaining knowledge of her previous work at Tubman, Attorney Szemborski still engaged in major conflicts of interest to draft orders in Ramsey County District Court cases financed by the Tubman Center's pro bono channels. For example, in one case, former "intern" to Wisconsin Chief Justice Abrahamson, Dorsey & Whitney attorney Peter R. Mayer, who was financed by Tubman as part of a targeted prosecution scheme to silence media critics of Minneapolis police brutality, Attorney Szemborski maintained knowledge that Tubman had financed Mr. Mayer but failed to recuse herself or notify her supervising judge. Attorney Szemborski's orders were not designed to stop domestic abuse. Instead, as described above, Attorney Szemborski drafted orders to prevent criticism of public officials. This is particularly so where the parties had never met, seen eachother, or ever talked. Specifically, Attorney Szemborski drafted orders designed to steal the human rights of local families. To make matters worse, the orders Attorney Szemborski drafted and filed threatened violent attacks. In other words, Attorney Szemborski uses violence to threaten litigants for exposing Minneapolis George Floyd culture. Attorney Szemborski is a disaster and her orders are laughable.

Sadly, Nicole Szemborski remains a licensed attorney in the State of Minnesota. As demonstrated by her past, Nicole Szemborski is a danger to families in Minnesota. It is unebleivable that Nicole Szemborski can continue to engage in such egregious activity without accountability for her actions.

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